Thursday, May 24, 2012


Artists can self-impose homework assignments to stretch their creative muscles or can latch onto a group or gallery project's focus to see where their abilities may take them. One such experiment by our friend, Corinne, led her to this abstract piece. A gallery in Tucson was curating a show simply entitled, "Red," and thus the inspiration for this piece was born.

Agent McAuley is a bead tapestry artist and her work can be viewed at Check her site out to see where you can see her and her work in person and for her to describe her process. The number of beads in any given project is in the tens of thousands and just astounds us! If there's something important that she has finished, she entrusts us to photograph it for her website, promotion and posterity. Thanks, Corinne!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Art and Vino!

We have installed our 'really BIG art' at the Tasting Room in Vistancia this past Sunday. Our favorite combination: art and wine! Nancy, the owner, invited us to hang our work for the month of June and to get things really rocking, we'll be on tap for a wine tasting event on Wednesday, May 30 starting at 6:30. SO...come join the party! For details on location and hours, visit